Thursday, August 7, 2008

     Hello, Ladies of the Rolling Hills Variety!

I just wanted to thank everyone for filling our Enrichment surveys over the past couple of weeks! If you haven't filled one out, and would still like to share your two-cents worth, please either e-mail me at or put your comments here!

THANK YOU to Penny Hughes for spiffing up our blog and giving it a GORGEOUS make-over! She's an absolute guru at this inter-web thing all of the kids are using! :)

We'll be having a 
RECIPE PARTY at Konda Fullmer's house 
       on August 14th at 7 PM
The theme is BBQ/Potluck and husbands ARE invited this time. If you haven't been to a Recipe Party before, this just means that you e-mail me a copy of your favorite potluck yummy AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE THE event and then bring the dazzling dish on the night of the party. Then, at the party, you can stuff yourself silly with everyone's culinary delights and take copies of the recipes home with you.

1 comment:

  1. I can hardly wait! I'm bored with the same old food. I love these kinds of events -- snacking myself into a caloric coma!
