Sunday, August 17, 2008

Get to Know Molly Rose!

Molly Rose is a new sister in our ward who just moved here from Twin Falls with her husband, Jason,  and her 4 kids : Noah (9), Charlotte (7), Robert (5), and Clara (3).   Molly is an Idaho native, having grown up on a dairy farm in Preston with her 7 brothers and sisters. 
Molly met her husband when they were both attending Utah State. One day when Jason was making cinnamon rolls and needed some vanilla, a mutual friend was sure Molly would have some because of her love of baking. . . and the rest is sweet history!  (Let this be a lesson to all the young men out there who think they don't need to learn to cook!)  They were married two weeks after graduation.  Molly got her degree in History/Political Science with a minor in Latin.  
Molly loves reading, hiking, and camping, and if she could go on a vacation anywhere in the world, she would choose Greece because of its beautiful landscape and architecture.  
We're so glad you're in the ward, Molly!  Welcome to our neighborhood!

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