Friday, September 19, 2008

Get to Know Emily Rowe!

My husband and I have 7 grown children...4 boys in a row, then three
girls--twins and one more. They are spread out all over the country,
but love Rexburg and love to get together so we think we will be
seeing them all pretty regularly. 

I love to read, beautiful music, to sew, sports (mostly armchair these days)--go BYU!, travel, cook,watch old movies and do anything fun. 

My favorite snack would have to be a mix of gummy bears and either m & m's or those mini Hershey Kisses. My sister got us started on this treat. It is a great combination. 

One of my favorite scriptures in the Book of Mormon is
Mosiah 3:19 about how the natural man is an enemy to God and that we
must become a saint through the atonement and become as little
children. we can learn so much about our relationship with our
Father in Heaven and the Savior in just this one scripture. 

I can't really think of anything that would be a surprise--this whole move
was a huge surprise as we were settled so well in Houston! But
sometimes the Lord has another plan for us. And we know we are
supposed to be here.. We are loving this beautiful country and being
close to family. What a treat!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Emily! It's great to have you in our ward now. We know your Mother loves it too and we love her too.
