Monday, September 29, 2008

October's Activities

Sewing 101 : Wed. October 8th in the gym 
at 10:00 AM.  Questions?  Contact Shauna Cannon

Legacy Lunch : Thursday, Oct 23rd at Noon at 
Maria Thomas' house. Potluck Lunch. 
Theme : Family Vacations

Kid-Richment : Thursday, October 30th at 10:00 
Costume parade and decorating halloween cookies!
This is for mom, grandma's, aunts, day-care providers, 
and any kids you have at home! We'll have activities,
games, and a small craft.  We'll meet in the gym.
Bring one item for a potluck lunch for the kids at 11:00

Book Group: Tuesday, October 21st 
at 7 PM at the d'Evegnee's house. 
The book is The Peacegiver
 If you need a copy of the book, contact Lindsey Dewey!

Recipe Party : Thursday, October 16th
at Mindy Sutherland's (602 Autumn Court)
The theme is Spud Celebration
Please e-mail your recipes to
by the 10 AM the day of the party 
You can find the recipes for last month's party at

SUPER SATURDAY: November 8th at 10:00 
We will be eating lunch at noon and also wrapping presents for our sub-for-santa project. 
Your group leaders will be contacting you next week.
Please let me know if you need a group!

Please ask any questions via e-mail or right here on the blog! THANKS!
Don't forget to pick up a calendar in Relief Society or on our bulletin board!
The calendar also has the Visiting Teaching message for October on the back.

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