Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sub-for-Santa Teams

We'll be wrapping the presents for our sub-for-santa families at the Super Saturday on November 8th.  Please bring your UNWRAPPED gifts clearly labeled with the COLOR and the gender and age of the recipient.  Contact your team leader if she hasn't contacted you yet.  If you don't have a team, please contact Ellie Christman (who needs team members) or Sarah d'Evegnee.  Also, if you would prefer, you can contribute to gift certificates at the Super Saturday.  

Pink Parents

and Girl 14

Team Leader : Stephanie Fay

Team Members : 
Janeese Summers
Kenzie Price
Lindsey Dewey
Konda Fullmer
Shelly Rigby
Lori Wasden

Pink Kids
Girl 14, Girl 10, Boy 9, Boy 6

Team Leader : Shauna Cannon

Team Members : 
Debbie DuPree
Donna Nielsen
Lola Packer
Emily Rowe
Sue Hexem
Molly Rose

Blue Parents
And Girl 7, Boy 2

Team Leader : Penny Hughes

Team Members : 
Lylene Bennett
Melissa Shipley
Maija-Liisa Adams
Caryn Esplin
Anne Fornes
Audrey Zellers
Joanne Webster

Blue Kids
Boy 5, Girl 3

Team Leader : Ellie Christman

Team Members :
Sandra Fluckiger
Janice Call
Deby Leishman
Debbie Richards

Orange Parents
and Boy 2 and Baby 7 months

Team Leaders : Elaine Holloway/Susan Walker

Team Members : 
Sharon Demordant
Marilyn Clark
Cheryl Hansen
Mary Brown
Donna Budge

Orange Kids
Girl 8, Girl 7, Boy 4

Team Leader : Vonda Winfree

Team Members : 
Susan Startin
Shari Pack
Sarah d’Evegnee
Liisa Smith
Jann Johnson

Green Kids
Girl 6, Girl 3, and Girl 15 mo.

Team Leader : Devin Woods

Team Members : 
Sherry Carson
Maria Thomas
Chris Leishman
Marian Hayes
Betty Browm
Cindy Prue

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