Monday, December 22, 2008

Spotlight on Hilary Jensen!

1) What is one thing about you that people might be surprised by? I love the show "That's so Raven" on the Disney Channel.

2) What are three words that describe you?
frugal, loyal, and talkative. Oh what the heck, let's just throw in cute and funny. Ha-ha

3) What was your favorite Christmas gift?
My white kitchen aid mixer. Weird but true. I melted the cord one day when it was next to my toaster oven and I actually cried. Not the messy sobbing crying but a couple tears dropped. It worked because Shawn promptly fixed the cord.

4) What is your family's favorite Christmas tradition?
A fancy dinner on Christmas Eve with candles.

5) If you had an hour of free time, what would you do?
Clean. But if you twisted my arm I would go to the library. Don't worry- I do realize it's time to make friends in this town.

6) What is your favorite recipe to cook?
Toast. Just kidding. Anything one dish.

7) What is your favorite scripture? Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

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