Monday, January 19, 2009

There's SNOW Kid-Richment like our Kid-Richment!

Kids of all ages blew into the gym from the cold outside to celebrate the SNOW by drawing pictures of a variety of snow people and animals, playing a "Bundling-up" Relay Race and making SNOW TORTILLAS (recipe follows)! Thanks to Janeese Summers for creating a "storm" of fun and for never "flaking" out!  Please watch the videos at the end of the post to see the kids in action!

Kenzie and Livee Price, Brooke Parkinson, and Eve d'Evegnee draw pictures of snow girls and snow cats.  Here's a list of some of the other "snow-creations": Snow Dinosaur, Snow Monster, Snow Jed, Snow Henry, and Snow Lump.  (Check out the video below to see how we sung about our creations!)

Janeese Summers helps the kids sing "Once there was a Snow Dinosaur" (she's going to be loving that I put this on here!)

Ian and Jann Johnson cutting out their Tortilla Snowflake

Ella and Bailee Jeppsen enjoying the flaky goodness

To make Tortilla Snow-Flakes:
*Use tortillas that are still at room temperature
* Fold tortilla in half and then fold in half again
* Cut out shapes in the same way you would for a snowflake
* Fry tortilla in hot oil in a frying pan for about 1 minute on each side or until lightly browned
* Sprinkle hot tortilla with cinnamon and sugar and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the wonderful videos and pictures. It is delightful to see the children having fun.
