Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What would you like to learn, do or improve?

posted by Maija-Liisa Adams
So, Sarah asks us, "What are 3 things you'd like to learn, do or improve before March 2009"? Hmmm . . .  well last night seven sisters offered areas from which to ponder.  Thanks Lori for first reminding us to "See Ourself as God Sees Us".

Then did you get to "See Sue Cook" her creative chicken pizzettes and prepare fishing pole veggies?  Kids will love them!
Oh her pizza smelled so good it was hard for me to keep my "Eye on the Blogger".  

Take advantage of the gazillions of tutorials about Blogging (and anything else you want to learn about) on YouTube

Oh what we "Saw Through Caryn's Camera Lense"!  Thanks for sharing your top 10 digital photography tips and for giving us beginners some hope.  

Most important? 
tip 5 -- adjust the focus. 

Hilary has us "Looking Towards the Future" 
motivated to get our 72 hours kits ready, to grab our Emergency Preparedness Checklist and update our plans today.  
It was fun to discover Dayna, Donna N. and I were all in the Bay Area during the earthquake.  I am so thankful our Homemaking meeting just the night before was on Red Cross earthquake survival tips, which I used the very next day!

Thank you Dayna for encouraging us to "See Our Way Through Winter" 
with many fun indoor activities for our kids or grandkids as well as adults.  

Betty you are an inspiration to us!  Thank you for sharing "Your Healthy Perspective" for weight loss and exercise.  
Eat often,
ask yourself why you want it, 
wait to have it until the next time,
get moving daily, 
pick something you can do forever.  

1 comment:

  1. this sounds like it was such a fun night! wow........ hopefully we'll keep doing nights like this in the future. I am bummed I didn't come but heck - I was in Jamaica!
