Friday, March 20, 2009

Are you willing to get your Spirit
in the best shape of your life?

For 12 weeks, the sisters in the Rolling Hills Relief Society are challenged to :

* Pray each morning and each night

* Read from the scriptures of the Conference edition of . .the Ensign each day

* Have 100% Visiting Teaching

* Pray each day to seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost

* Pray each day to seek out others who might need your . .help

* Pray to obtain a greater understanding of the atonement and then ACT on it

* Reach out to serve in ways that might stretch you each . week

* Write in a journal of some kind each week to record . . . .your thoughts and experiences

* Find some joy each day—even in simple things

* Dedicate some time (however small) to your Heavenly . . .Father each day

If you would like a packet with weekly logs, a magnet, and the complete program, please leave a comment here!  THANKS!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, need ideas for the dedicate some time to HF one please.
