Sunday, September 13, 2009

Welcome to Patty Siter and Mindy Grannis!

Patty Siter moved here from Arizona, but didn't want to leave any of her grandkids behind. So, now her two daughters and their families live here, and their son works here during the week. Now, that's a good, nurturing mother! Mindy describes her mom as being "caring, helpful, and loving" and it's easy to see why. Patty says her hobby is working in the temple, which she can view often from the view in their gorgeous new home (the Hughes' old home). She also loves canning, exploring, and playing with her grandchildren.

Mindy Grannis (Patty's daughter) has four children, ages 12, 9, 6, and 3. She and her family moved here from Arizona, and Mindy says they love being in Rexburg because of the family-friendly environment. (If you have kids those ages, please call Mindy and schedule a play-date!)
Patty describes Mindy as being "organized, fun, and a good mom," which seems like the ultimate compliment coming from your own mother! Mindy enjoys exercising and says she's "learning to love to run."

We're so happy you're in our ward, Mindy and Patty!

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