Are you willing to get your Spirit
in the best shape of your life?For 12 weeks, the sisters in the Rolling Hills Relief Society are challenged to :
* Pray each morning and each night
* Read from the scriptures of the Conference edition of . .the Ensign each day
* Have 100% Visiting Teaching
* Pray each day to seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost
* Pray each day to seek out others who might need your . .help
* Pray to obtain a greater understanding of the atonement and then ACT on it
* Reach out to serve in ways that might stretch you each . week
* Write in a journal of some kind each week to record . . . .your thoughts and experiences
* Find some joy each day—even in simple things
* Dedicate some time (however small) to your Heavenly . . .Father each day
If you would like a packet with weekly logs, a magnet, and the complete program, please leave a comment here! THANKS!